Digital Contract Patterns and Financial Reporting

Willi Brammertz delivered a demonstration of his reporting technology to myself, Charles Hoffman and Jason Meyers on 3 May 2022. Willi had already introduced us to financial contract patterns and we’d been in communication about trade contract patterns.

Cohort agreed merchant contract patterns freely available in Github. Cohort agreed taxonomies – US GAAP, IFRS and jurisdictional compatible derivatives i.e. Australian Bank with local nomenclature in the ontology – taxonomy extensions. Cohort agreed bookkeeping rules that permit report rendering in conformance with given reporting taxonomy – US GAAP, IFRS, etc. Cohort agreed validation rules for confirming quality of the information. Runs on Pacioli.

In short, sets of agents who agree to utilise sets of axioms and certain syntax with respect to rendering trustful, logically consistent financial information patterns.

Willi’s reporting engine available for use with AUDT for rendering services. It’d be nice if the engine could be run as a service by AUDT Node operators. If everyone on the planet adopts this approach, you want a lot of rendering nodes.

Optimally, we have as many enterprises as possible to sign up to using this technical approach for optimising trade & finance in the digital age. Look for some big sponsors like Square.

Logical English trade contracts will reference people, places, goods & services with embedded RDF.

Where are we with RDF & SHACL?

Future is bright.

From: Willi Brammertz –
Where: Microsoft Teams Meeting

We will discuss the following topics:

Contracts and the balance sheet
Financial vs operational contracts
List of necessary operational contracts
Operational events and contracts
Operational cost and revenue outside this contract world
Picture of Andrew Noble

Andrew Noble

Accountant, Technologist & Futurist