

Digital workflows that automate the process of delivering or buying products or services and collecting payment or paying.

Procurement Process

Procurement processes that are initiated in machine-readable Logical English, grounded in a Triple Ledger and terminated by Smart Contracts are Level 7 Audit-ready. That’s the highest level of merchant data quality available.

Procurement of Sales Perspective

From a sales perspective, there are typically a number of steps that transpire between engaging with a prospect, transforming the prospect to a client via contract, providing the service and invoicing. This process can be streamlined and automated with the right toolset.

Procurement of Purchases perspective

From a purchases perspective, there are also a number of steps between requesting a quote, reaching an agreement with a supplier, receiving the good or service and paying the bill. This process can be streamlined and automated with the right toolset.

Digital Procurement for Accelerate business

Accziom empowers users with digital procurement and trade workflows that automate and accelerate business.

Ongoing research