About Our Brand
Accziom is a domain name & business name of LodgeiT Pty Ltd, an Australian registered company with a long track record in research and development within the financial and regulatory domains. Today, LodgeiT provides class-leading, automated tax reporting in Australia.

Our Brand

Building tomorrow today

Accziom as a Research Vessel

Accziom is born out of research at the boundaries of machine reasoning and regulatory reporting. Since 2009, the team that are building Accziom, have been focused on automating regulatory reporting with semantic technologies. Now we've turned our attention to other aspects of digital business.

Accziom operates via Accziom.com

Accziom operates via Accziom.com and if you spell it incorrectly, Accsiom.com. The name is also a business name in Australia. abr.business.gov.au/Search/ResultsActive?SearchText=Accziom

Trailblazers for SME's Everywhere

The core Accsiom mission is to blaze a trail for small-medium enterprises into the Web 3.0 world. As part of that mission, we continue to support a range of opensource and Blochain projects including www.auditchain.com.